Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ID |
Unique ID for the note record |
integer |
None. |
RepDID |
The Rep's ID |
string |
None. |
RepNoteCategoryID |
The Rep Note Category ID |
integer |
Required |
CorrespondenceTypeID |
The Correspondence Type ID |
integer |
Required |
Subject |
Note subject or title |
string |
None. |
Message |
Full Description and Content of the note record |
string |
None. |
OrderID |
Order ID the note is associated with, if applicable. |
integer |
None. |
Unresolved |
Is the note unresolved |
boolean |
Required |
IsCritical |
Is the note critical |
boolean |
Required |
DateCreated | date |
None. |
CreatedBy | string |
None. |
DateLastModified | date |
None. |
LastModifiedBy | string |
None. |