
Handles addresses associated with a customer or rep

GET api/order/Address?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&language={language}&cartCountry={cartCountry}&onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

Gets a list of addresses for a customer or rep (including the default Billing or Shipping address)

GET api/order/Address/Profiles?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&language={language}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/Address?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&useValidation={useValidation}&onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&localeID={localeID}

Allows the creation of a particular address associated to a rep or customer

PUT api/order/Address?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&language={language}&useValidation={useValidation}&onlineSignupID={onlineSignupID}&onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

Allows the updating of a particular address associated to a rep ro customer

PUT api/order/Address/Validate?localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/order/Address?id={id}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}

GET api/order/Address/GeocodeAddress?postalCode={postalCode}&country={country}

GET api/order/Address/CountryStates?cartCountry={cartCountry}

GET api/order/Address/AddressSettings?cartCountry={cartCountry}

GET api/order/Address/AddressPageEnabled

POST api/order/Address/GeographicDrilldown/GetStates

To get the States for a given Country

POST api/order/Address/GeographicDrilldown/GetCities

To get the Cities for a given Country and State

POST api/order/Address/GeographicDrilldown/GetCounties

To get the Counties for a given Country, State, and City

POST api/order/Address/GeographicDrilldown/GetPostalCodes

To get the Postal Codes for a given Country, State, City, and County

GET api/order/Address/ValidateInternationalAddress?ID={ID}&Description={Description}&Street1={Street1}&Street2={Street2}&City={City}&Company={Company}&State={State}&PostalCode={PostalCode}&County={County}&Country={Country}&Phone={Phone}&Email={Email}&FirstName={FirstName}&LastName={LastName}&SpecialInstructions={SpecialInstructions}&SuggestedAddress={SuggestedAddress}&IsHiddenOnCart={IsHiddenOnCart}&IsDefaultProfile={IsDefaultProfile}&ShipMethodID={ShipMethodID}

No documentation available.


Adyen is a tokenized payment processor integrated in Freedom.

POST api/Payments/Adyen/Notification/Add

This method allows Adyen Standard Notification system to send notifications to Freedom. Adyen will send HTTP POST request to this API method.


Allows the user to retrieve their alerts from Revolution.

GET api/Revolution/Alert?repDID={repDID}

To allow a user to retrieve their top 50 Revolution alerts based on the proper RepDID. If this is called by an API user, they can call for this for any representative. If called by a Rep, the rep can only access their own alerts.

GET api/Revolution/Alert/ForApplication?repDID={repDID}

To allow a user to retrieve their top 50 Revolution Application Alerts based on the proper RepDID. These alerts contain much of the same information as alerts but come pre-formatted with information pertaining to the alert.

GET api/Revolution/Alert/TotalsByType?repDID={repDID}

This will return the total alerts by alert type. This can be used to filter alerts or for general information.

PUT api/Revolution/Alert/MarkAllAsReadForRep/{repDID}

GET api/Revolution/Alert/GetUnreadMessages?repDID={repDID}

This will return the total alerts by alert type. This can be used to filter alerts or for general information.


Register all updates to any customer information.

GET api/Customer/AuditCustomer

Returns a list of Referral Market Types

GET api/Customer/AuditCustomer/ByDate?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

This API method will allow you to get customer sponsor and email changes based on specified date range.


APIs to get Autoresponder Template information and field tags

GET api/Admin/AutoresponderTemplate/GetByLocaleID?localeID={localeID}

Allow you to get a list of

GET api/Admin/AutoresponderTemplate/GetByAutoresponderTemplateID?id={id}

No documentation available.


GET api/AutoShip/ProfileInformation?autoShipScheduleID={autoShipScheduleID}&localeID={localeID}

Returns information found in original AutoShip SOAP API GetProfileDetails

GET api/AutoShip/PeriodTypes?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&localeID={localeID}&autoShipScheduleID={autoShipScheduleID}

No documentation available.

GET api/AutoShip/List?repDID={repDID}&localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.


GET api/autoshipaddonitem/rep/{repId}

Gets the AddOn Items for the next AutoShip order of the rep

GET api/autoshipaddonitem/customer/{customerId}

Gets the AddOn Items for the next AutoShip order of the customer

POST api/autoshipaddonitem/rep/{repId}

AutoShip Add On Items allow adding an inventory item to be inserted into a rep's next AutoShip order

POST api/autoshipaddonitem/customer/{customerId}

AutoShip Add On Items allow adding an inventory item to be inserted into a customer's next AutoShip order


Handles Autopship Batch creations.

POST api/AutoShip/CreateBatch?configurationID={configurationID}

Create Batch


Handles Autopship Credit Card Profile creations.

POST api/AutoShip/CreditCardProfile

This API method will allow you to create or update the Credit Card details associated with an AutoShip profile. If one does not exist, it will be added. If one does exist, it will be overwritten with the details provided. The CardNumber field can accept non-standard values, as you may be required to store a Token in this place when utilizing a Tokenized Credit Card processor. In this situation it is recommended to store the Token in both the CardNumber and Token fields.

POST api/AutoShip/PaymentOptions?localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.

POST api/AutoShip/CreateUpdateOnlinePaymentInfo

No documentation available.

POST api/AutoShip/CreateCreditCardProfileFromOnlinePaymentInfo?autoShipScheduleID={autoShipScheduleID}&onlinePaymentInfoID={onlinePaymentInfoID}

No documentation available.



GET api/Admin/AutoShipPeriodType

Allow you to get a list of AutoShip Period Types

GET api/Admin/AutoShipPeriodType/{id}

Allows you to get a specific AutoShip PeriodType Type

GET api/Admin/AutoShipPeriodType/GetForCountry?country={country}&description={description}

Allows getting a list of AutoShipPeriodTypes associated to a country.


POST api/AutoShipSchedule/Create

Allows for the creation of a new autoship profile for the given representative or customer.

PUT api/AutoShipSchedule/Update?autoShipScheduleID={autoShipScheduleID}

Updates an existing AutoShip Profile. Only supports Tokenized Payments, defaults to Invoice Payment.


This API provides values for blind shopping

GET api/shopping/BlindShoppingEnabled

This API will inform you whether or not Blind Shopping (Shopping without authentication) is allowed within the client system


GET api/Payments/Agnostic/OrderInfo?sessionGuid={sessionGuid}

Initial api required to retrieve order information as first step in the BDT Agnostic Payment Processor flow


Cart Configurations are used to provide various overrides in the Shopping Cart

GET api/shopping/cartConfigurations

Gets all the cart configurations

GET api/shopping/cartConfigurationByName?programmingKey={programmingKey}

Gets a single cart configuration, by id


This API provides various settings for the JSCart.

GET api/shopping/settings?country={country}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}

Gets all the settings used by the cart as key/value pairs.

GET api/shopping/settings/checkout?country={country}

No documentation available.

GET api/shopping/settings/customerProfile?country={country}

No documentation available.


RESTful APIs to allow Voiding, Un-Voiding and getting a List of paid Checks.

POST api/Bonus/Check/Void

This API will allow the user to void a paid check by providing the check number and Rep associated to the check or by submitting just the payout transaction ID, which is a unique identifier for each paid check (payout transaction). Additional, the function will reset the check amount to back to zero when the void process is completed.

POST api/Bonus/Check/UnVoid

This API will allow the user to un-void a paid check by providing the check number and Rep associated to the check or by submitting just the payout transaction ID, which is a unique identifier for each paid check (payout transaction). Additional, the function will reset the check back to the original amount when the un-void process is completed.

GET api/Bonus/Check/Get/{payOutProcessID}/{checkNumber}/{payOutMethodID}

The user can call this API to get a list of paid checks based on the given criteria. This will give the user a list with the following information for each check transaction found: Rep, check number, check amount, and check void status.

GET api/Bonus/Check

No documentation available.


The api provider for Business Center

GET api/User/Claim

Returns the current user claims. This will return claims in the format most commonly requested by OIDC providers and consumers.

GET api/User/Claim/ForRev

Returns the current user claims PLUS those for showing a revolution profile.


POST api/Payments/CoinPayments/IPN/{type}/{guid}

Endpoint for notifications from the CoinPayments processor.



GET api/Extranet/Commissions/Commissions?repDID={repDID}&localeID={localeID}

Retrieves the summary of commissions posted to Extranet broken down by Bonus Runs and Bonus Types. This is the same information used at Extranet My Commissions report.

GET api/Commissions/RankProgressRequirements?repDID={repDID}&localeID={localeID}&periodCalendar={periodCalendar}&period={period}

Returns the progress percentage per rank for the current period and their requirements.


To allow a Rep to view the detailed information of a Contact

GET api/Revolution/ContactCard/Rep/{contextRepDID}/ForRep/{repDID}

GET api/Revolution/ContactCard/Customer/{customerDID}/ForRep/{repDID}

GET api/Revolution/ContactCard/Lead/{leadID}/ForRep/{repDID}


GET api/Revolution/ContactGroup?repDID={repDID}

Allow you to get a list of Contact Groups for a rep.

GET api/Revolution/ContactGroup/{contactGroupID}

Allows you to get a specific Contact Group


GET api/Admin/CorrespondenceType

Gets a list of all Correspondence Types for Rep Notes, Customer Notes and Notes for Leads, Inventory and Party

GET api/Admin/CorrespondenceType/{id}

Gets a specific Correspondence Type


WebAPI controller for Country

GET api/Admin/Country

Allows you to get a list of Country objects.

GET api/Admin/Country/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Country

GET api/Admin/Country/GetCountriesForCart?repDID={repDID}&userType={userType}&customerDID={customerDID}&langKey={langKey}&localeID={localeID}&onBehalfRepDID={onBehalfRepDID}

Allows you to get a list of Country objects.

GET api/Admin/Country/GetCountriesForDropDown?localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/Country/GetAddressLayout?countryName={countryName}

No documentation available.



GET api/Admin/CountryState

Allow you to get a list of Rep Classification Types

GET api/Admin/CountryState/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Rep Classification Type

GET api/Admin/CountryState/GetForCountry?country={country}

Allows getting a list of states/provinces associated to a country


POST api/Payments/Credit

To Add/Delete a payment credit for a specific credit account for a rep/customer.


Currency Conversion rates allow you to set the conversion rates used in financial reporting and bonus payouts when the payout method is configured with an appropriate currency. The Rate applied is always using the base currency. If the base currency is USD where 1 USD equates to 5 Croation Kuna, the Rate will be 5.

GET api/Admin/CurrencyConversionRate

This API method will allow to get the collection of all the currency conversion rates.

GET api/Admin/CurrencyConversionRate/{id}

This API method will allow getting specific conversion rate by the primary identifier.

GET api/Admin/CurrencyConversionRate?CurrencyTypeIdFrom={CurrencyTypeIdFrom}&CurrencyTypeIdTo={CurrencyTypeIdTo}

This API method will allow getting the collection of any currency conversion rate between two currency types.


GET api/Admin/CurrencyType/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/CurrencyType/GetByCountry?description={description}

No documentation available.


POST api/users/customer

Allows for creation of a new customer for a given representative.

POST api/users/customer/CreateRepInstead

Allows for creation of a new rep instead of customer for a given representative.

POST api/users/customer/UpgradeCustomer?customerDID={customerDID}&sendAutoresponders={sendAutoresponders}

This method will be used to upgrade the customer to a rep, and will tranfer all the customer AutoShip Profiles to rep profile, and update rep notes. This version allows us to define if Freedom should send an AR notification to the new distributor or not

POST api/users/customer/sendPasswordReset?customerDID={customerDID}&langKey={langKey}

Allows sending an AutoResponder that will allow the customer to reset their password

POST api/users/customer/validatePasswordResetKey

To validate that a password reset key is still valid

GET api/users/customer/{CustomerDID}/MiscField

Returns the all available misc field values for a given Customer

PUT api/users/customer?CustomerDID={CustomerDID}

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/users/customer?CustomerDID={CustomerDID}

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/users/customer/{CustomerDID}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/users/customer/{CustomerDID}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

GET api/users/customer/MiscFieldSearch

This API method will allow you to search customers for a specified Misc field and return a list of matching Customer IDs

GET api/users/customer/{customerDID}/Password

Allows to retrieve the password for a given Customer #.

POST api/users/customer/createPassword

To update a customer's password with a generated password reset key

POST api/users/customer/updatePassword

To update a customer's password

GET api/users/customer/{customerDID}/ReferredCustomers

No documentation available.

GET api/users/customer/CustomerProfileGiftCertificates?customerDID={customerDID}

No documentation available.

PUT api/users/customer

No documentation available.

POST api/users/customer/SendCheckoutOrderEmail?CustomerDID={CustomerDID}&EmailTo={EmailTo}&AdditionalUserInput={AdditionalUserInput}&OnlineOrderID={OnlineOrderID}

Allows sending an AutoResponder that will allow the customer to go directly to cart checkout

POST api/users/customer/GetOrderDraftEmailPreview?CustomerDID={CustomerDID}&EmailTo={EmailTo}&AdditionalUserInput={AdditionalUserInput}&OnlineOrderID={OnlineOrderID}

Allows getting a preview of the email that is going to be sent.

POST api/users/customer/CustomerLookup

Lookup a customer


Handles requests regarding Rep autoship

GET api/Customer/Autoship/Profiles/{customerDID}

Retrieves the autoship profiles for a given rep


Handles requests concerning customer information

GET api/user/customer/{customerDID}/info

No documentation available.


GET api/Customer/{customerDID}/Note

Gets a list of notes for the specified Customer

GET api/Customer/{customerDID}/Note/{id}

Gets a single Customer note

POST api/Customer/{customerDID}/Note

Creates a new Customer Note

PUT api/Customer/{customerDID}/Note/{id}

Updates a specific Customer Note


GET api/Admin/CustomerNoteCategory

Returns a list of Customer Note Categories

GET api/Admin/CustomerNoteCategory/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Note Category



GET api/Admin/CustomerType

Allow you to get a list of Customer Types

GET api/Admin/CustomerType/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Customer Type


GET api/Extranet/Dashboard

The user can call this API to get a list of all available Widgets Dashboards. This will give the user an idea of which dashboards are used within various territories. They can then use the DashboardID in order to get more specific information for a particular dashboard.

GET api/Extranet/Dashboard/{DashboardID}?localeID={localeID}

The user can call this API to retrieve all widgets associated with a particular dashboard.



GET api/Admin/EntityValueList

Allow you to get a list of Rep Classification Types

GET api/Admin/EntityValueList/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Rep Classification Type


Class Service used to pull custom ExtranetPageTemplates

GET api/extranet/ExtranetPageTemplate/{id}

Gets an ExtranetPageTemplate by incremental ID

GET api/extranet/ExtranetPageTemplate/GetByExtranetPageTypeIDLocaleID/{extranetPageTypeID}/{localeID}

Get an ExtranetPageTemplate by ExtranetPageTypeID and LocaleID

GET api/extranet/ExtranetPageTemplate/GetOrderCompleteExtranetPageTemplateByOrderIDAndLocaleID/{orderID}/{localeID}

Get the Extranet Template for OrderComplete by OrderID and LocaleID


Web API controller for consulting elements.

GET api/Admin/GenealogyIcon

Returns a list of type elements.

GET api/Admin/GenealogyIcon/{id}

Returns a specific type element.


WebAPI controller for

GET api/Admin/GenealogyPositionMethod

Allows you to get a list .

GET api/Admin/GenealogyPositionMethod/{id}

Allows you to get a specific .


Retrieves, updates, inserts, or deletes Gift Messages for a given Order ID

GET api/Admin/GiftMessage/{subjectId}/{subjectTypeId}

Trys to find a gift message using OnlineOrderId or OrderId depend on second param 'SubjectTypeId.Order = 3, SubjectTypeId.OnlineOrder = 7'

POST api/Admin/GiftMessage?ID={ID}&OrderID={OrderID}&OnlineOrderID={OnlineOrderID}&Message={Message}&Sequence={Sequence}

Creates a new gift message

PUT api/Admin/GiftMessage?ID={ID}&OrderID={OrderID}&OnlineOrderID={OnlineOrderID}&Message={Message}&Sequence={Sequence}

Updates a gift message

DELETE api/Admin/GiftMessage?ID={ID}&OrderID={OrderID}&OnlineOrderID={OnlineOrderID}&Message={Message}&Sequence={Sequence}

Delete the specified gift message



POST api/shopping/GoogleReCaptcha/VerifyV3?token={token}

Google reCAPTCHA API to validate the V3 token


Have the ability to store 3rd party reference IDs in Freedom

GET api/order/IntegrationReference/{id}

Gets an existing order reference by ID.

GET api/order/IntegrationReference?orderId={orderId}&referenceId={referenceId}

Gets an existing order reference by OrderID or ReferenceID.

POST api/order/IntegrationReference

Allows the creation of an order reference..

PUT api/order/IntegrationReference

Allows the updating of existing order reference. The ID passed with determine which records are being updated.

DELETE api/order/IntegrationReference/{id}

Allows the deletion of an existing order reference. The ID passed with determine which records are being deleted.


GET api/inventory/InventoryDetail?productID={productID}

Return the Inventory Summary for a given Product ID

POST api/inventory/InventoryDetail

Create new Inventory item.

PUT api/inventory/InventoryDetail

Edit details of specific Inventory item.

GET api/inventory/Media?productID={productID}

Return the Media information for an inventory

GET api/inventory/{productID}/MiscField

Returns the all available misc field values for a given inventory

PUT api/inventory/{productID}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given inventory. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/inventory/{productID}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given inventory. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.


POST api/InventoryAutoship/AutoShipProducts

Method to return a list of IInventoryAutoShipViewModel.

POST api/InventoryAutoship/AutoShipItemCategory

Method to return a list of AutoShipItemCategoryViewModel.


GET api/inventory/InventoryCategory?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&langKey={langKey}&country={country}&orderType={orderType}&localeID={localeID}&cartConfigurationId={cartConfigurationId}

Method to return a list of IInventoryCategoryDisplayViewModel.

GET api/inventory/InventoryCategory?productId={productId}

Allows you to get a specific Inventory Categories.



GET api/Inventory/InventoryCategoryDetail

Allow you to get a list of Inventory Categories.

GET api/Inventory/InventoryCategoryDetail/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Inventory Categories.

GET api/Inventory/InventoryCategoryDetail/GetBreadCrumbs/{productID}

No documentation available.


This area is responsible for returning information in relation to Inventory Colllections (Inventory Collection Types in the BackOffice)

GET api/inventory/collection/{inventoryCollectionId}/ForBackOfficeOrder?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&langKey={langKey}&country={country}&includeChildItems={includeChildItems}&orderType={orderType}

This API will return the list of products within an Inventory Collection that are available for purchase for a BackOffice order. Be aware that not all items returned will be purchasable within an Online Order.


Allows retrieving filter options for the cart.

GET api/inventory/InventoryCountry?inventoryID={inventoryID}

Method to return a list of active Inventory Filters with the active options for those filters.

POST api/inventory/InventoryCountry/Create?productID={productID}&country={country}

Method to add a country association to Inventory


GET api/Inventory/InventoryDetailTab

Get all available InventoryDetailTabs

GET api/Inventory/InventoryDetailTab/{id}

Return a specific InventoryDetailTab

GET api/Inventory/InventoryDetailTab/ForInventoryId/{id}?langKey={langKey}&localeID={localeID}

Get all available InventoryDetailTabs for a specific Inventory Item


Allows retrieving filter options for the cart.

GET api/inventory/InventoryFilter?langKey={langKey}&country={country}&localeID={localeID}

Method to return a list of active Inventory Filters with the active options for those filters.


Allows retrieval of information related to Inventory groups. Freedom has the ability to group multiple inventory items together under a single item. This is referred to as a Group Item.

GET api/inventory/InventoryGroup?productID={productID}

This API is used to determine child items in an Inventory Group. This will provide Product IDs of the child items, as well as the quantity in the group.


Inventory Image Type Controller

GET api/Admin/InventoryImageType

Returns a list of type elements.

GET api/Admin/InventoryImageType/{id}

Returns a specific type element.


GET api/inventory/InventoryPrice/{ID}

To get the price and other rank price related values of a given InventoryPriceID

GET api/inventory/InventoryPrice?productID={productID}&rankPriceTypeID={rankPriceTypeID}&rankTypeID={rankTypeID}&priceType={priceType}

To get the price and other rank price related values of a given inventory item and rank price type ID.

POST api/inventory/InventoryPrice?shouldCreateMultiple={shouldCreateMultiple}&shouldUpdateExistingEndDates={shouldUpdateExistingEndDates}

Add new price rank to a given inventory item. The Product ID and Rank Price Type must be existing in order to create new price row.

PUT api/inventory/InventoryPrice/{ID}

Update price and other rank price related values of a given inventory item and rank price type ID.


GET api/Inventory/InventoryRelationshipTypeSelectionType

GET api/Inventory/InventoryRelationshipTypeSelectionType/{id}


GET api/Inventory/InventoryReview

Method to return a list of InventoryReview.

GET api/Inventory/InventoryReview/{id}

Method to return a specific InventoryReview provided the ID.

GET api/Inventory/InventoryReview/ProductID/{productID}

POST api/Inventory/InventoryReview/Create

No documentation available.


GET api/inventory/InventoryShopping?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&categoryId={categoryId}&langKey={langKey}&country={country}&includeChildItems={includeChildItems}&selectedFilterOptions={selectedFilterOptions}&loadSecondaryCategory={loadSecondaryCategory}&orderType={orderType}&localeID={localeID}&cartConfigurationId={cartConfigurationId}&searchTerm={searchTerm}&top={top}

Method to return a list of IInventoryShoppingDisplayViewModel.

GET api/inventory/InventoryShopping?productID={productID}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&getParent={getParent}&langKey={langKey}&country={country}&forceProduct={forceProduct}&orderType={orderType}&localeID={localeID}

GET api/inventory/InventoryShopping/RelatedItems?productID={productID}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&orderType={orderType}&cartConfigurationId={cartConfigurationId}

GET api/inventory/InventoryShopping/MetaInformation?productID={productID}&repDID={repDID}&langKey={langKey}

This API grabs meta information for a shared wishlist. Should a user share a wishlist, we can grab information for that wishlist to retrieve meta information for giving to Facebook, Twitter, or other sites expecting open graph information.

POST api/inventory/InventoryShopping?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&flattenResults={flattenResults}&langKey={langKey}&country={country}&orderType={orderType}

GET api/inventory/InventoryShopping/GetEnrollmentItems?repDID={repDID}&langKey={langKey}&country={country}&cartConfigurationId={cartConfigurationId}&localeID={localeID}

To get enrollment items available for the cart

GET api/inventory/InventoryShopping/GetAutoShipPricing?productID={productID}&sponsorRepDID={sponsorRepDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}

No documentation available.


GET api/inventory/InventoryWarehouse/{ID}

Get the warehouse count for an existing inventory item and warehouse number.

GET api/inventory/InventoryWarehouse?productID={productID}

Get the warehouse count for an existing inventory item and warehouse number.

POST api/inventory/InventoryWarehouse?InventoryWarehouseID={InventoryWarehouseID}&ProductID={ProductID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&Cost={Cost}&OnHand={OnHand}&OnHandShipped={OnHandShipped}&IdealOnHand={IdealOnHand}&ReorderLevel={ReorderLevel}&SoftCount={SoftCount}&SoftCountParty={SoftCountParty}&SoftCountNonParty={SoftCountNonParty}

Add new warehouse and count to a given inventory item and warehouse number.

PUT api/inventory/InventoryWarehouse/{InventoryWarehouseID}?ProductID={ProductID}&WarehouseID={WarehouseID}&Cost={Cost}&OnHand={OnHand}&OnHandShipped={OnHandShipped}&IdealOnHand={IdealOnHand}&ReorderLevel={ReorderLevel}&SoftCount={SoftCount}&SoftCountParty={SoftCountParty}&SoftCountNonParty={SoftCountNonParty}

Update warehouse count to existing inventory item and warehouse number.

POST api/inventory/UpdateStockCounts?warehouseId={warehouseId}&isStockReset={isStockReset}

This API updates inventory stock counts in Freedom. It can either reset or increment/decrement stock counts. For a stock reset, the on hand amounts will match what is passed through, which is designed to reset the Freedom system to match the amounts in a warehouse. If stock reset is supplied as false, the api will simply add to the stock counts what is provided.


Handles requests regarding to Kount fraud protection integration.

POST api/Integration/Kount/RiskInquiry

Sends the risk inquiry request.


The main API controller for interact with

GET api/Admin/Locale?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&languageKey={languageKey}

Allows you to get a list of Locales for a specific Rep or Customer.

GET api/Admin/Locale/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Locale



GET api/Admin/MarketShow

Allow you to get a list of Market Shows.

GET api/Admin/MarketShow/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Market Shows.


see cref="NewsController" />

GET api/Admin/News?localeID={localeID}

The user can call this API to retrieve detailed information for all associated news items or a specific news item located in the Extranet.

GET api/Admin/News/{NewsID}?localeID={localeID}

The user can call this API to retrieve detailed information for all associated news items or a specific news item located in the Extranet.


Endpoint for Nexio webhook calls.

POST api/Payments/Nexio/OrderIdempotencyKey?subjectId={subjectId}&subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&ccAccountID={ccAccountID}

API method to get consecutive number to be send to CMS - Nexio processor.


Allows the user to manage Notices from Revolution.

POST api/Revolution/Notice/Dismiss?repDID={repDID}

Dismiss a Revolution Notice for the given representive.


Handles transactions pertaining to Online Orders (Creating, Viewing, and Modifying).

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/Clear?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}

Clears an online order (such if the user would like to restart their shopping experience)

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/GetFromOrderID/{orderID}

Returns a specific Online Order based on an OrderID.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Online Order based on the ID.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/latest?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&languageKey={languageKey}&localeID={localeID}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}&onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&onBehalfRepGUID={onBehalfRepGUID}&partyGuid={partyGuid}&claimRewards={claimRewards}

This function will retrieve the latest incomplete online order for a given user. This can be used to re-instantiate a user's shopping session.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/additemstolatest?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}&languageKey={languageKey}&localeID={localeID}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}&onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&onBehalfRepGUID={onBehalfRepGUID}&partyGuid={partyGuid}&claimRewards={claimRewards}

This function will retrieve the latest incomplete online order for a given user. This can be used to re-instantiate a user's shopping session. If the user was also shopping unauthenticated beforehand, you can get the latest session and automatically append any items to it using the products parameter as well. QtyOptions will be taken into account with this, so if an item exists in the cart that only allows discreet values, that item will have its quantity replaced with the new quantity instead of added to the new quantity.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/GetTotals

Gets totals for order information without persisting an online order to the system

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/Totals?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&giftCertificatesApplied={giftCertificatesApplied}&creditsApplied={creditsApplied}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}&partyGuid={partyGuid}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}

Allows for the creation of a new Online (non-permanent) Order

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder?partyGUID={partyGUID}&useValidation={useValidation}&localeID={localeID}

This function allows you to update the addresses associated to an online order

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/ValidateAddresses?localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/{onlineOrderID}/UpdateShipMethod?shipMethodID={shipMethodID}

This function allows you to update the shipmethod associated to an online order

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/{onlineOrderID}/UpdateMarketShow?marketShowID={marketShowID}

This function allows updating the market show for an online order that has not been posted yet.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/{onlineOrderID}/UpdateShipMethodWithOverrides?shipMethodID={shipMethodID}&ShippingTotal={ShippingTotal}&HandlingFee={HandlingFee}&ShippingTax={ShippingTax}&ShippingTaxCodeID={ShippingTaxCodeID}&HandlingTax={HandlingTax}&HandlingTaxCodeID={HandlingTaxCodeID}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

This function allows you to update the shipmethod associated to an online order with override values for Shipping and Handling

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/Reassociate?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&partyGuid={partyGuid}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}&ignoreRepValidation={ignoreRepValidation}

Allows for the re-association of an online order to be placed under a new Rep.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/ValidateOrderItems?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

Validate the online order to make sure all items are still available at their saved price

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/CalculateTaxes?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

This function allows you to update taxes to an online order

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/CalculateDetailedTaxes?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

Similar to ~/api/order/OnlineOrder/CalculateTaxes but rather than just returning total tax, returns more details (shipping tax, handling tax, item tax)

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/ChangeCountry?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&country={country}

Update the country on an Online Order

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/IsPriceTypeAvailable?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&country={country}

Verify if all items on the onlineOrder are available for the new country, price, rankTypeId must match

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/{onlineOrderID}/ReallocateOnlineOrderSoftAllocations?isCheckout={isCheckout}

Reallocates the Soft Allocations for all Online Order Details in an Online Order

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/CreateForOnlineSignup?onlineSignupGuid={onlineSignupGuid}&country={country}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}

No documentation available.

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/UpdateForOnlineSignup?onlineSignupGuid={onlineSignupGuid}&sponsorRepDID={sponsorRepDID}&country={country}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/CreateGuestCheckout?sponsorRepDID={sponsorRepDID}&country={country}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}

No documentation available.

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/UpdateGuestCheckout?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&sponsorRepDID={sponsorRepDID}&country={country}&cartConfigurationID={cartConfigurationID}

No documentation available.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/OnlineOrderStatus?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

Returns whether an online order is completed already or not.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/OnlineOrderAutoShipPeriodTypes?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&localeID={localeID}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&excludeProfiles={excludeProfiles}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/OnlineOrdersAutoShip?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&periodTypeID={periodTypeID}&periodDay={periodDay}&nextShipDate={nextShipDate}&areExistingItemsCleared={areExistingItemsCleared}

Allows specifying specific items as ones that should be added to an AutoShip profile once the order is completed

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/IsAutoshipPresentInOrder?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

No documentation available.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/IsVatEnabled?shipCountry={shipCountry}

No documentation available.

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/MiscField?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}

Update misc field values for a given OnlineOrder. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/order/OnlineOrder/UpdatePaymentType?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&paymentTypeID={paymentTypeID}

No documentation available.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/PaymentDeclineMessage?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/UpdateProcessingLock?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&lockValue={lockValue}

No documentation available.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/GetProcessingLock?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

No documentation available.

GET api/order/OnlineOrder/Timestamp?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/OnlineOrder/AssociateWishlist?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&wishlistID={wishlistID}

No documentation available.


WebAPI controller for

GET api/order/OnlineOrderDetail

Allows you to get a list of items.

GET api/order/OnlineOrderDetail/{id}

Allows you to get a specific

GET api/order/OnlineOrderDetail/ByOnlineOrderID?onlineOrderid={onlineOrderid}&includePromotions={includePromotions}

Allows you to get a list of items.

POST api/order/OnlineOrderDetail?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&productId={productId}&quantity={quantity}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}&forceSeparate={forceSeparate}&relationshipGroupID={relationshipGroupID}&sourceProgrammingKey={sourceProgrammingKey}

POST api/order/OnlineOrderDetail?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}&relationshipGroupID={relationshipGroupID}&sourceProgrammingKey={sourceProgrammingKey}

POST api/order/OnlineOrderDetail/AddMultiple?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

PUT api/order/OnlineOrderDetail?onlineOrderDetailId={onlineOrderDetailId}&quantity={quantity}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

This method allows you to update an online order item. As of right now, only quantities can be modified as many properties are calculated from the total items as well as price associations.

PUT api/order/OnlineOrderDetail?onlineOrderDetailId={onlineOrderDetailId}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

This method allows you to update an online order item. Optionally you can override some values.


POST api/order/OnlineSignup?sponsorRepDID={sponsorRepDID}

No documentation available.

PUT api/order/OnlineSignup?onlineSignupID={onlineSignupID}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/OnlineSignup/CreateRep?onlineSignupID={onlineSignupID}

No documentation available.


WebAPI controller for

POST api/order/Order/{orderID}/UnPost

This API method will allow you to UnPost an Official order or Voided Order

POST api/order/Order/{orderID}/Post

This API method will allow you to Post an UnOfficial order

POST api/order/Order/{orderID}/Void

This API method will allow you to void an order

GET api/order/Order/CustomerItemOrderedSinceDate?customerDID={customerDID}&productID={productID}&startDate={startDate}

Determines if a customer has an official order containing an item since the specified date. If no official order is found, or the Customer or Product ID doesn’t exist, this method will return a Bad Request response, containing details of the failure in the message body.

GET api/order/Order/RepItemOrderedSinceDate?repDID={repDID}&productID={productID}&startDate={startDate}

Determines if a rep has an official order containing an item since the specified date. If no official order is found, or the Rep or Product ID doesn’t exist, this method will return a Bad Request response, containing details of the failure in the message body.

GET api/order/Order/{orderID}/LineItemDetails

This method will return detailed information concerning a given Order ID.

PUT api/order/Order/ShipMethod?orderID={orderID}&shipMethodID={shipMethodID}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

This API allows updating shipping method for given order. Optionally allows overriding shipping and handling values.

POST api/order/Order

Allows for the creation of a new (permanent) order for the given representative or customer. New order will be created in entered status.

PUT api/order/Order/Address?orderID={orderID}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

This API allows updating shipping or billing address information for a given order..

POST api/order/Order/ReturnOrder?fromOrderId={fromOrderId}

Allows for the creation of a new return order for the given order identifier.

POST api/order/Order/CreateOrderForCheckout?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&localeID={localeID}&gcString={gcString}&creditsString={creditsString}

No documentation available.

GET api/order/Order/GetOrderByOnlineOrderID?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/Order/{orderId}/UpdateInvoiceDetails

Updates the Invoice details of a given Order.

GET api/order/Order/MiscFieldSearch/{fieldName}/{valueToSearch}

This API method will allow you to search orders for a specified Misc field and return a list of matching Order IDs

GET api/order/Order/{orderId}/MiscField

Returns the all available misc field values for a given Order

PUT api/order/Order?orderId={orderId}

Update misc field values for a given Order. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/order/Order?orderId={orderId}

Update misc field values for a given Order. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/order/Order/{orderId}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given Order. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/order/Order/{orderId}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given Order. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/order/Order/MiscField?orderId={orderId}

Update misc field values for a given Order. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/order/Order/{orderId}/TransferOwnership

Transfers ownership of an Order to a different Rep or a Customer

PATCH api/order/Order/{orderId}/TransferOwnership

Transfers ownership of an Order to a different Rep or a Customer

GET api/order/Order/GetOrdersCustomerProfile/{customerDID}

Return Order list for with Order Status and Tracking Info


WebAPI controller for

GET api/order/Order/{orderID}/OrderDetail/{orderDetailID}

Allows you to get a specific OrderDetail for a given OrderDetailID and OrderID

POST api/order/Order/{orderID}/OrderDetail?productID={productID}&quantity={quantity}

Allows you to add a new OrderDetail to a given OrderID.

POST api/order/Order/OrderDetail?orderID={orderID}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

Allows for the creation of a new order detail for the given order. Optionally allows overriding tax, volume and price information.

PUT api/order/Order/OrderDetail?orderDetailID={orderDetailID}&shouldCalculateTax={shouldCalculateTax}

Allows updating order details for the given order. Optionally allows overriding price and tax; volume; and other price information. Updates are only allowed to order detail records that are not child items.

GET api/order/Order/{orderID}/OrderDetail/MiscField

Returns the all available misc field values for the order lines of a given order identifier.

PUT api/order/Order/{orderID}/OrderDetail/MiscField

Update misc field values for the order lines of a given order. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.


GET api/Admin/OrderDetailStatus

Returns a list of Order Detail Statuses

GET api/Admin/OrderDetailStatus/{id}

Returns a specific Order Detail Status


Controller for Shipping Order Information.

GET api/Shipping/OrderInformation/Order?orderID={orderID}&shipCountry={shipCountry}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&carrierName={carrierName}&shipMethodID={shipMethodID}

This API method will allow you to get a specific order(s) information for shipping by the primary identifier or all orders for a date range

GET api/Shipping/OrderInformation/GetOrders

This API method will allow you to get a specific order(s) information for shipping by the primary identifier or all orders for a date range

GET api/Shipping/OrderInformation/OrderWithDetails?orderID={orderID}&shipCountry={shipCountry}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&carrierName={carrierName}&shipMethodID={shipMethodID}

This API method will allow you to get a specific order(s) information for shipping by the primary identifier or all orders for a date range

POST api/Shipping/OrderInformation/UpdateTrackingNumber

This API method will allow you to update order status and tracking.


GET api/Admin/OrderStatus

Returns a list of Order Statuses

GET api/Admin/OrderStatus/{id}

Returns a specific Order Status


GET api/Shipping/Order/OrderTracking

Method to return a list of OrderTracking.

GET api/Shipping/Order/OrderTracking/GetByOrderID/{orderID}

Method to return a list of OrderTracking by OrderID.

POST api/Shipping/Order/OrderTracking/TrackingImportAR?warehouseId={warehouseId}

This API method will allow the Order Tracking Number Imports to be done and corresponding AutoResponder to be triggered.

POST api/Shipping/Order/OrderTracking/UpdateOrderDetailTrackingQuantity

This will allow Updating the Order Detail Tracking Number Quantity and to send an AutoResponder


Handles requests regarding parties

GET api/Party/Party

Method to return a list of Open Party.

GET api/Party/Party/{id}

Method to return a specific Party provided the ID.

GET api/Party/ByGuid/{partyGUID}/{repDID}

Allows the user to retrieve information for a party

GET api/Party/ByPartyID/{partyID}

Allows the user to retrieve information for a party

GET api/Party/Search?SearchText={SearchText}&SearchByPartyIdOnly={SearchByPartyIdOnly}&RepDID={RepDID}&CustomerDID={CustomerDID}

Search open parties to determine which to associate an online order with

GET api/Party/OpenByRep/{repDID}

Get all open parties for a Rep

GET api/Party/Revolution/OpenByRep/{repDID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Party/Revolution/ClosedByRep/{repDID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Party/Revolution/DownlineByRep/{repDID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Party/Revolution/GetAvailableHosts/{repDID}

No documentation available.

POST api/Party/Revolution/SavePartyInternalNote/{partyID}?note={note}

No documentation available.

POST api/Party/Revolution/CreateParty/{repDID}

No documentation available.

POST api/Party/Revolution/GenerateShortenURL?partyID={partyID}

Generates the party shorten URL for the given party identifier. This requires an active integration provider account for Bitly. Generated shorten URL will be stored in ShoppingShortenURL property of the Party record.

POST api/Party/Revolution/UpdateParty/{repDID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Party/PartiesByHostCustomer/{customerId}?openedParties={openedParties}

Method to return a specific Party provided the ID.



GET api/Admin/PartyStatus

Allow you to get a list of Party Status

GET api/Admin/PartyStatus/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Party Status


Handles requests regarding parties

GET api/PartyType

Method to return a list of Open Party.

GET api/PartyType/{id}

Method to return a specific Party provided the ID.


WebAPI controller for Password Regex Types

GET api/Admin/PasswordRegexType

Allows you to get a list of Password Regex Types

GET api/Admin/PasswordRegexType/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Password Regex Types

GET api/Admin/PasswordRegexType/active

Allows you to get a list of Password Regex Types


WebAPI controller for

GET api/order/Payment?paymentID={paymentID}

Allows you to get a specific .

GET api/order/Payment?orderID={orderID}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/Payment/CreditCard/Save

Allows for the creation of a new credit card payment record for the given order. This is only for storage of already processed transactions.

POST api/order/Payment/Cash/Save

To Add a cash payment for a Order

POST api/order/Payment/CreditCard/OnlineOrder/Save?ID={ID}&OnlineOrderID={OnlineOrderID}&PaymentTypeID={PaymentTypeID}&PaymentStatusTypeID={PaymentStatusTypeID}&AccountID={AccountID}&Amount={Amount}&Detail1={Detail1}&Detail2={Detail2}&Detail3={Detail3}&Detail4={Detail4}&Detail5={Detail5}&Detail6={Detail6}&Detail7={Detail7}&Detail8={Detail8}&Detail9={Detail9}&Detail10={Detail10}&Detail11={Detail11}&Detail12={Detail12}&Detail13={Detail13}&Detail14={Detail14}&Detail15={Detail15}&Detail16={Detail16}&Detail17={Detail17}&Detail18={Detail18}&Detail19={Detail19}&DateCreated={DateCreated}&CreatedBy={CreatedBy}&Detail20={Detail20}&Detail21={Detail21}&Detail22={Detail22}&Detail23={Detail23}&Detail24={Detail24}&Detail25={Detail25}&ProcessingEventType={ProcessingEventType}&ProcessingEventStatus={ProcessingEventStatus}

To Add a credit card payment to an online order.

POST api/order/Payment/Credits/Save

Allows for the creation of a new payment from system credits for the given order. This will deduct from system credits to apply to the order.

POST api/order/Payment/Tokenized/AuthorizeNet/Save

Allows for the creation of a new payment from system credits for the given order. This will deduct from system credits to apply to the order.

POST api/order/Payment/Refund/{paymentID}?amount={amount}

To Add a payment refund for a specific ammount for a rep/customer.

POST api/order/Payment/Void/{paymentID}

To Add a payment void for a specific ammount for a rep/customer.

POST api/order/Payment/Tokenized/Save

Allows for storage of a Tokenized Payment Processor's payment transaction details on an order. This request is for storing records assumed to be created externally and does not make any transactional requests.

POST api/order/Payment/Tokenized/SaveMultiple

Allows for storage of a Multiple Tokenized Payment Processor's payment transaction details on an order. This request is for storing records assumed to be created externally and does not make any transactional requests. If any of the payment records in the body are unable to be saved, the entire transaction does not complete and no records are stored.

POST api/order/Payment/Update

Allow update payment record using PaymentID. Only Details payment fields to be updated and only if bring some information. No other payment detail to be updated. (sensitive data).


WebAPI for PayoutMethods

GET api/PayoutMethod/List

Get a list of available Payout methods

GET api/PayoutMethod/{PayoutMethodID}/Captions

Get caption for for a given Payoutmethod, that can be used to create Reps Payout profiles.

GET api/PayoutMethod

No documentation available.


GET api/Admin/PDFGenerator/CustomerInvoice?orderID={orderID}

No documentation available.



GET api/Revolution/Presentation/Category

To allow representatives to view the showcase categories.

GET api/Revolution/Presentation

No documentation available.

GET api/Revolution/Presentation?categoryID={categoryID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Revolution/Presentation/Asset

To allow representatives to get the associated resources for viewing the showcase/presentation.

GET api/Revolution/Presentation/Asset?presentationID={presentationID}

To allow representatives to get the associated resources for viewing the showcase/presentation.


This API method will allow you to evaluate promotions that will be applied to BackOffice, Party or Online Order. Return a list of all awarded and suggested promotions. Used on Freedom areas: BackOffice, Party, Shopping Cart.

POST API/Promotion/EvaluatePromotions

Return a list of all eligible promotions for an Online OrderId or OrderId.

POST API/Promotion/EvaluatePromotionCreditRedemptionRules

No documentation available.

POST API/Promotion/ApplySuggestedPromotion?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&orderId={orderId}&promotionId={promotionId}&quantityEarned={quantityEarned}&calcTaxes={calcTaxes}

This API will provide the ability to apply any suggested promotions the user/order qualifies for. By passing in the suggested items, and the identifies for the order and promotion (as well as the quantity earned), the qualifying suggested promotions can be applied to the order.

POST API/Promotion/ApplyPromotionCredit?promotionRedemptionRuleId={promotionRedemptionRuleId}&onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&orderId={orderId}&localeId={localeId}

No documentation available.

POST API/Promotion/GetPromotionDetails?subjectID={subjectID}&subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&promotionTypeID={promotionTypeID}&shipping={shipping}

This API will get the promotions detail applied to an online order

POST API/Promotion/ValidatePromotions

Validate existent promotions for specific Online OrderID or OrderID.

POST API/Promotion/ClearPromotions

Validate existent promotions for specific Online OrderID or OrderID.

POST API/Promotion/PromoCode?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&orderId={orderId}

This API will provide the ability to apply a list of promotion codes. The API will replace (not append) the promotion codes applied to the order Note that means that an empty list will remove all promotion codes applied.

GET API/Promotion/PromoCode?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&orderId={orderId}

This API will return any promotion codes currently applied to an order or online order

DELETE API/Promotion/PromoCode?onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&orderId={orderId}

This API will remove all promotion codes currently applied to an order or online order

DELETE API/Promotion/PromoCode?promoCode={promoCode}&onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}

This API will remove a single promo code currently applied to the onlineOrder

GET API/Promotion/AvailablePromoCodes

This API will return all valid promotion codes currently configured into the system

POST API/Promotion/EvaluateCartPromotions

Evaluates a promotion and gives the updated pricing without any order context.

GET API/Promotion

No documentation available.


This API method will allow you to update a promotion code to a specific Representative or Customer.

GET API/PromotionCode

Get list of Promotions code

GET API/PromotionCode/Subject?repDId={repDId}&customerDId={customerDId}

Get specific promotion code by RepDID or CustomerDID

POST API/PromotionCode?ID={ID}&PromotionCodeAssigned={PromotionCodeAssigned}&PromotionCodeTypeID={PromotionCodeTypeID}&RepID={RepID}&CustomerID={CustomerID}&IsActive={IsActive}&SelectAssignedTo={SelectAssignedTo}&AssignedTo={AssignedTo}

Creates a new promotion code

PUT API/PromotionCode?ID={ID}&PromotionCodeAssigned={PromotionCodeAssigned}&PromotionCodeTypeID={PromotionCodeTypeID}&RepID={RepID}&CustomerID={CustomerID}&IsActive={IsActive}&SelectAssignedTo={SelectAssignedTo}&AssignedTo={AssignedTo}

Updates a promotion code

DELETE API/PromotionCode?ID={ID}&PromotionCodeAssigned={PromotionCodeAssigned}&PromotionCodeTypeID={PromotionCodeTypeID}&RepID={RepID}&CustomerID={CustomerID}&IsActive={IsActive}&SelectAssignedTo={SelectAssignedTo}&AssignedTo={AssignedTo}

Delete the specified promotion code

GET API/PromotionCode?id={id}

Get specific promotion code



GET api/Admin/PromotionCodeType

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/PromotionCodeType/{id}

No documentation available.


Allows a user to be publicly available information for a given Representative. This is typically done while shopping or enrolling so the user knows which representative they are shopping or enrolling under.

GET api/rep/PublicInfo?repDID={repDID}&includeSocialNetworks={includeSocialNetworks}

Allows the user to retrieve publicly available information for Rep

GET api/rep/PublicInfo/GetInfo?repDID={repDID}

Allows the user to retrieve available information for active or cancelled Rep accounts.

GET api/rep/PublicInfo/GetForCustomer/{customerDID}/{referringRepDID}/{partyGUID}

Allows the user to retrieve publicly available information for a customer's owning rep.

GET api/rep/PublicInfo/GetByAddress?postalCode={postalCode}&city={city}&state={state}&country={country}&plugging={plugging}&exactZip={exactZip}

Find Reps based on address information

GET api/rep/PublicInfo/GetByUsernameAndCountry?userName={userName}&country={country}&plugging={plugging}

Find Rep using RepDID or URL

GET api/rep/PublicInfo/GetByBCKey?BCKey={BCKey}

Find Rep using BCKey

GET api/rep/PublicInfo/GetByName?search={search}&plugging={plugging}

Search for reps based on searching their name or repDID. The full repDID will need to be entered to find a match At least 2 characters will need to be entered to find a match based on a reps first or last name.


Allows a user to be publicly available information for a given Customer. This is typically done while shopping or enrolling so the user knows which Customer they are shopping or enrolling under.

GET api/customer/PublicInfo/GetInfo?CustomerDID={CustomerDID}

Allows the user to retrieve publicly available information for active or cancelled Customer accounts.


This controller is responsible for handling registrations, cancellations, and requests in relation to push notifications used for the Revolution Mobile App

GET api/Revolution/PushNotification/UserPreference?repDID={repDID}

Retrieves the current user's notification preferences. These preferences are associated to how a user receives alerts. This is typically used in associated with push notification settings as the user may wish to disable Email and/or SMS notifications if they enabled push notifications.

PUT api/Revolution/PushNotification/UserPreference?repDID={repDID}

Saves the user's notification preferences.

POST api/Revolution/PushNotification/Register?deviceToken={deviceToken}&identifier={identifier}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}

This method will take a user's DID, device token (requested from OS for sending push notifications), and the devices UUID. This will register the device for push notifications. Be aware that this API will only work with associated apps and will not work unless you are within the ByDesign App Profiles for IOS and Android.

POST api/Revolution/PushNotification/Unregister?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}

This method will unregister a user from all devices (deleting all registered tokens so no further push notifications will be sent)


Allows retrieving additional information required by Rallyware integration.

GET api/integration/rallyware/GetRepInfo?repDID={repDID}

Gets additional representative information.

GET api/integration/rallyware

No documentation available.


Handles requests regarding rank types

GET api/admin/rankType

Returns all rank types. Accessible to BackOffice Users and Representatives.

GET api/admin/rankType/{rankTypeID}

Returns information on a specific rank type. Accessible to BackOffice Users and Representatives.


POST api/Payments/Rapyd/WebHook/Receive

Receives payment web hooks from Rapyd, stores them, and process them in an async manner (minutes later). This endpoint must be configured in Rapyd Client Portal.


Allows retrieval of information related to Reason Area Types. Reason Area Types are used categorize Reason Code Types in areas of Freedom.

GET api/Admin/ReasonAreaType

Allow you to get a list of Reason Area Types available in Freedom.


Allows retrieval of information related to Reason Code Types. Reason Code Types are used when creating Return Orders as well as other Administrative actions in order to give a base reason as to why something is being done.

GET api/Admin/ReasonCodeType

Allow you to get a list of Reason Code Types available in Freedom.



GET api/Order/RedeemableBy_LookUp

Allow you to get a list of Redeemable By Lookup

GET api/Order/RedeemableBy_LookUp/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Redeemable By Lookup


Referral Market Types are used to indicate from where new rep heard about us. Referral Market Types are dependent of REP_REFERRAL_MARKET setting. If setting is on, Referral Market Types are available on Reps Edit Page for selection.

GET api/Admin/ReferralMarketType?localeID={localeID}

Returns a list of Referral Market Types

GET api/Admin/ReferralMarketType/{id}?localeID={localeID}

Returns a specific Referral Market Type


Handles requests regarding representative information.

PUT api/rep/{RepDID}/ChangeLinks

This API method will allow moving the placement of a Rep from one sponsor to another. This API will validate the given parameters and when successful will send to the genealogy & volume queue to process the changes asynchronous. Genealogy placement changes are allowed only for a limited period of time after signup of the Rep.

PUT api/rep/{repDID}/ChangeRank

This API method allows the user to change the Lifetime Rank of Reps.

POST api/rep/sendPasswordReset?repDID={repDID}&langKey={langKey}&useRevolutionLink={useRevolutionLink}

Allows sending an AutoResponder that will allow the rep to reset their password

POST api/rep/validatePasswordResetKey

To validate that a password reset key is still valid

POST api/rep/SendRepWelcomeEmails?RepDID={RepDID}&emailType={emailType}

No documentation available.

GET api/rep/{RepDID}/MiscField

Returns the all available misc field values for a given Representative

PUT api/rep?RepDID={RepDID}

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/rep?RepDID={RepDID}

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/rep/{RepDID}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/rep/{RepDID}/MiscField

Update misc field values for a given Representative. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

GET api/rep/{repDID}/Password

Allows to retrieve the password for a given Customer #.

POST api/rep/createPassword

To update a rep's password with a generated password reset key

POST api/rep/{RepDID}/BonusOverrides

This API method will allow you to update various representative fields: Lifetime Rank, Force Rank (force to pay at that level in bonus), Bonus Rank Ceiling (force to pay at that level in bonus), Withhold Commissions (If true, the rep will have their commissions withheld/balance forward until a commission period for which they are no longer flagged to withhold.) and Join Date.

GET api/rep/{RepDID}/BonusOverrides?BCDID={BCDID}

To return a rep's bonus override information

POST api/rep/{RepDID}/Attribute?BCDID={BCDID}

This API method will allow you to update the Comp Statuses of a Representative through Comp Attributes.

GET api/rep/{RepDID}/Attribute?BCDID={BCDID}

To return a rep's Comp Attributes

POST api/rep/validateRepEmail?email={email}&repDID={repDID}

To validate that a given email doesn't already exist in the system.

POST api/rep/validateRepURL?url={url}&repDID={repDID}

To validate that a given Replicate Url doesn't already exist in the system and is valid.

POST api/rep/checkDuplicateTaxID

To validate that a given Tax ID doesn't already exist in the system.

GET api/rep/invalidWords

Retrieves the list of invalid words

PUT api/rep/{repDID}/Update

Updates reps details based on the fields in the model

POST api/rep/Create

This will add a new rep into Freedom. It will let you attempt placement within the genealogy. If UplineRepDID is left empty, the system will place the rep in the first available position under the sponsor. If UplineRepDID is given, we will attempt to place the rep at that exact position. This will return an error if that position is already filled.

GET api/rep/GetByID?repID={repID}

No documentation available.


Handles requests regarding Rep autoship

GET api/Rep/Autoship/Profiles/{repDID}

Retrieves the autoship profiles for a given rep

GET api/Rep/Autoship/{repDID}/MiscField

Returns the all available autoship profile misc field values for a given Representative

PUT api/Rep/Autoship?repDID={repDID}&autoshipScheduleID={autoshipScheduleID}

Update misc field values for a given Autoship Profile. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/Rep/Autoship?repDID={repDID}&autoshipScheduleID={autoshipScheduleID}

Update misc field values for a given Autoship Profile. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PUT api/Rep/Autoship/{repDID}/MiscField?autoshipScheduleID={autoshipScheduleID}

Update misc field values for a given Autoship Profile. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.

PATCH api/Rep/Autoship/{repDID}/MiscField?autoshipScheduleID={autoshipScheduleID}

Update misc field values for a given Autoship Profile. Only input misc fields to update. All fields are not required.


GET api/Rep/RepCollections/GetByRep/{repDID}

Gets the collection for the specified Rep

GET api/Rep/RepCollections

No documentation available.


Handles requests concerning representative information

GET api/user/rep/{repDIDorURL}/info?returnCancelledOverride={returnCancelledOverride}

Returns profile information for a specific representative. RepDID takes precedence in results if a Rep has the same RepDID as another Rep's URL.

GET api/user/rep/{repDID}/rank

Get a Representative's rank


WebAPI controller for Replicated Site Overrides

GET api/Rep/{repDID}/ReplicatedSiteOverride

Returns the replicated site override details for a specific rep.

PUT api/Rep/{repDID}/ReplicatedSiteOverride

Updates the replicated site override details for a rep.


GET api/Rep/{repDID}/Note

Gets the notes for the specified Rep

GET api/Rep/{repDID}/Note/{id}

Gets a single Rep note

POST api/Rep/{repDID}/Note

Creates a new Rep Note

PUT api/Rep/{repDID}/Note/{id}

Updates a specific Rep Note


GET api/Admin/RepNoteCategory

Gets a list of all Rep Note Categories

GET api/Admin/RepNoteCategory/{id}

Gets a specific Rep Note Category


This controller is responsible for handling Rep Notifications from BackOffice requests.

GET api/InternalNotification

No documentation available.


GET api/rep/SocialNetworkingSite/{repDID}

No documentation available.

POST api/rep/SocialNetworkingSite/{repDID}

No documentation available.

PUT api/rep/SocialNetworkingSite/{repDID}/{id}

No documentation available.


WebAPI for Reps Payout Profiles

POST api/Rep/PayoutProfile

Allows you to create Rep's Payout profile.

GET api/Rep/PayoutProfile

No documentation available.


Handles requests regarding rep types

GET api/admin/repType

Returns all rep types. Accessible to BackOffice Users and Representatives.

GET api/admin/repType/{repTypeID}

Returns information on a specific rep type. Accessible to BackOffice Users and Representatives.


Handles transactions pertaining to Online Orders (Creating, Viewing, and Modifying).

GET api/order/RetailReceipt?repDID={repDID}&bcDID={bcDID}

No documentation available.

POST api/order/RetailReceipt

Allows the posting of new retail receipts. The order date passed should be in UTC, and will be translated to a proper order date (Without timestamp) based on the configured timezoneterritory setup. If no timezone territory setup is setup, the system will default to server time.

PUT api/order/RetailReceipt

Allows the updating of existing retail receipts. The ID passed will determine which records are being updated. The order date passed should be in UTC, and will be translated to a proper order date (Without timestamp) based on the configured timezoneterritory setup. If no timezone territory setup is setup, the system will default to server time.

DELETE api/order/RetailReceipt

Allows the updating of existing retail receipts. The ID passed with determine which records are being updated.



GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/GetWholeSaleOrders?repDID={repDID}&numberOfOrders={numberOfOrders}&bcDID={bcDID}

Allows you to get a list of whole saleorders for a given Rep #.

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/GetAccountBalance?repID={repID}

Allows you to get the account balance for a given rep

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/GetTaxRate?repDID={repDID}

Allows you to get the account balance for a given rep

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/CreateWholesaleOrderPayment

Allows you to create a wholesale order payment for an online order

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/RefundWholesaleOrderPayment?paymentID={paymentID}&amount={amount}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/GetInventory?productID={productID}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/UpdateComplianceStatus?repdid={repdid}&cannotProcessPayments={cannotProcessPayments}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/GetInventoryInDateRange?startdate={startdate}&enddate={enddate}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/StoreInventoryCounts?guid={guid}&repDID={repDID}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/StoreInventoryCounts?guid={guid}&repDID={repDID}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/Store?guid={guid}&repId={repId}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/Createstore?repId={repId}&username={username}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/TransferStore?oldRepId={oldRepId}&newRepID={newRepID}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/ValidateRepDataForWayrooMembership?guid={guid}&repID={repID}&localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/WayrooMembershipActive?guid={guid}&repID={repID}

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/CreatePropayOrderPayment?orderID={orderID}&paymentAmount={paymentAmount}&propayTransactionID={propayTransactionID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/CustomerLookup

No documentation available.

POST api/Admin/RetailSuccessStore/UpdateWayrooMembershipStatus?repdid={repdid}&WayrooMembershipStatus={WayrooMembershipStatus}

No documentation available.


This API provides values for reviews.

GET api/shopping/ReviewsEnabled

This API will inform you whether or not Reviews are enabled from the X2_SHOPCART_INVENTORY_REVIEW setting.


GET api/Revolution/Asset

No documentation available.


Allows the user to retrieve dashboard information

GET api/Revolution/Dashboard/QuickSummary?repDID={repDID}

Returns quick summary information such as the user's current rank, next rank, progress towards that rank, and any projected commissions


Allows controlling Revolution Framed Pages.

POST api/Revolution/FramedPage/Validate?guid={guid}

This API allows the company to retrieve information about the rep associated with the GUID passed by the Revolution Framed Page.


Allows the user to retrieve their alerts from Revolution.

GET api/Revolution/Menu/All?description={description}

This will return ALL menus items with no child/parent associations. This API allows you to search for items by URLs (using odata) or to consume in whichever way you desire.

GET api/Revolution/Menu?description={description}

This will return the menus in the normal parent/child association to allow for easier traversing. This is the recommended API to call for the average usage.


GET api/Authentication/Seamless/Reciprocal

Allows the user to switch between their Rep or Customer sign on. Recommended only to use with JSCART_RECIPROCALIDS_INUSE setting. If you are logged in as a Rep, this will return the seamless authentication token for your reciprocal Customer account. If you are logged in as a Customer, this will return the seamless authentication token for your reciprocal Rep account.

GET api/Authentication/Seamless/ForRep/{repDID}

Allows the user (Rep) to get a seamless authentication token to use for authentication into other Freedom Suite applications.

GET api/Authentication/Seamless/Verify/ForRep/{guid}

Allows the returning of a user (Rep) information when attempting to transfer login information seamlessly bewtween other Freedom applications.

GET api/Authentication/Seamless/ForCustomer/{customerDID}

Allows the user (Customer) to get a seamless authentication token to use for authentication into other Freedom Suite applications.

GET api/Authentication/Seamless/Verify/ForCustomer/{guid}

Allows the returning of a user (Customer) information when attempting to transfer login information seamlessly between other Freedom applications.


Allows clearing cache

POST api/Admin/Session

Create session key/values for a given session.

GET api/Admin/Session?sessionIdentifier={sessionIdentifier}

Get key values for a given session guid


GET api/Application/Setting/GetByKey/{setting}

No documentation available.

GET api/Application/Setting/Revolution

No documentation available.

POST api/Application/Setting/GetByKeys

No documentation available.


GET api/Shipping/ShippingMethod/GetForOnlineOrder?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&localeID={localeID}&partyGUID={partyGUID}

To get all the available shipping methods for a given online order

POST api/Shipping/ShippingMethod/GetForAutoShip?localeID={localeID}&isRep={isRep}

To get available shipping methods based on address

GET api/Shipping/ShippingMethod/GetForOnlineSignup?onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}&localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Shipping/ShippingMethod/{shipMethodID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Shipping/ShippingMethod/GetByAddress

No documentation available.

GET api/Shipping/ShippingMethod/GetByCountry?country={country}

Retrieves all shipping methods for the specified country.


GET api/Shipping/ShipStation?SS-Username={SS-Username}&SS-Password={SS-Password}&start_date={start_date}&end_date={end_date}&action={action}&page={page}

Called from ShipStation periodically to retrieve orders for import

POST api/Shipping/ShipStation?SS-Username={SS-Username}&SS-Password={SS-Password}&order_number={order_number}&carrier={carrier}&tracking_number={tracking_number}&action={action}

Called from ShipStation when an order has been shipped. This will pass an order number, shipping provider and a tracking number to use for updating the order entry

POST api/Shipping/ShipStation/GetAllRates?warehouseID={warehouseID}&country={country}&postalCode={postalCode}&weight={weight}

Method to return the shipping rate for Shipstation shippments.


GET api/shopping/dashboard/customer

No documentation available.

GET api/shopping/dashboard/party?partyID={partyID}&country={country}

No documentation available.

GET api/shopping/dashboard/incentive

No documentation available.


Handles the Tax Operations for Orders/Online Orders.

POST api/Tax/CalculateTax?subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&subjectID={subjectID}

Compute Taxes

POST api/Tax/CommitTaxTransaction?subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&subjectID={subjectID}

Commit Tax Transactions

POST api/Tax/RefundTaxTransaction?originalOrderID={originalOrderID}&returnOrderID={returnOrderID}

Commit Tax Transactions

POST api/Tax/UnCommitTaxTransaction?subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&subjectID={subjectID}

Un Commit Tax Transactions

POST api/Tax/VoidTaxTransaction?subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&subjectID={subjectID}

Void Tax Transactions


Allows retrieval of information related to Simple Extended Taxes. Simple Extended is the most common used form of tax calculation in Freedom and it is the easiest to setup. Essentially, for each territory and tax category, also known as tax code, one can add a rate for that territory.

GET api/admin/Taxes/SimpleExtended?Country={Country}&State={State}&County={County}&City={City}&PostalCode={PostalCode}&Plus4StartRange={Plus4StartRange}&Plus4EndRange={Plus4EndRange}&TaxCodeID={TaxCodeID}

Gets Tax Rates from the Simple Extended Taxes tables.



GET api/extranet/TermsAndPolicies

No documentation available.

GET api/extranet/TermsAndPolicies/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/extranet/TermsAndPolicies/GetTermToAgree?areaId={areaId}&localeId={localeId}&country={country}&state={state}&county={county}&city={city}&postalCode={postalCode}

Get Terms and Policies to Agree, filtered by parameters sent by user.

GET api/extranet/TermsAndPolicies/GetTermsForArea?areaId={areaId}&onlineOrderId={onlineOrderId}&localeId={localeId}&country={country}&state={state}&county={county}&city={city}&postalCode={postalCode}

No documentation available.

POST api/extranet/TermsAndPolicies/AgreeToTerms?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&onlineSignupID={onlineSignupID}&ipAddress={ipAddress}

No documentation available.



GET api/extranet/TermsAndPoliciesArea

Allow you to get a list of Terms and Policies Area


GET api/Admin/TokenizedPaymentAccount

Allows you to get a list of Tokenized Payment Accounts

GET api/Admin/TokenizedPaymentAccount/{id}

Allows you to get a specific of Tokenized Payment Account


This controller works as a service to provide key/values for translations made by the client.

GET api/Admin/Translation?lang={lang}&localeID={localeID}

Allow you to get a list of translations for a locale. These translations are tied to only client side translations (not all) for now.

GET api/Admin/Translation/GetLocale?localeID={localeID}

No documentation available.



GET api/Shipping/USPSServiceType

Allow you to get a list of USPS Service Type

GET api/Shipping/USPSServiceType/{id}

Allows you to get a specific USPS Service Type


Allows retrieving additional information required by Verb integration.

GET api/integration/verb/rep/{repDID}/loginurl

Gets Verb Login URL

GET api/integration/verb/GetRepInfo?repDID={repDID}&firstOrderRuleType={firstOrderRuleType}

Gets specific information for the representative.

GET api/integration/verb/GetCustomerInfo?customerDID={customerDID}&repDID={repDID}&firstOrderRuleType={firstOrderRuleType}

Gets specific information for the customer.


Manages Volume Reports

GET api/commissions/volumeReport/{repDID}

This method can be used to return a volume report for a RepDID. This returns the table used to display the Rep Volume report as shown in the Freedom Extranet.

GET api/commissions/volumeReport/{repDID}/detailByLeg/{volumeTypeID}

This method will return a volume report for a representative and volume type. The returned data will be ordered by leg volume.

GET api/commissions/volumeReport/{repDID}/details/{volumeTypeID}/{columnName}?bcDID={bcDID}

This method can be used to add detail to a custom generated volume report. This method will take a Rep Number, Volume Type ID, Business Center, and Volume Column Name and will return a dataset with a detailed report defining where the number shown on the volume report is aggregated from.


GET api/Admin/Volume/VolumeTypeColumn

GET api/Admin/Volume/VolumeTypeColumn/{id}



GET api/Admin/WarehouseTerritory

Allow you to get a list of Rep Classification Types

GET api/Admin/WarehouseTerritory/{id}

Allows you to get a specific Warehouse Territory


Allows the user to retrieve their alerts from Revolution.

GET api/Revolution/Widget/CommissionByPeriod?repDID={repDID}

Allows the user to retrieve their last 5 monthly commissions

GET api/Revolution/Widget/RecentGrowth?repDID={repDID}

GET api/Revolution/Widget/RecentSignups?repDID={repDID}

Gets the past six months of signups


Returns the description that can be associated with widget templates.

GET api/Admin/WidgetType

Gets all records

GET api/Admin/WidgetType/{id}

Get the record for the passed in ID.


API used to manage Wishlist and Wishlist Item information

GET api/inventory/Wishlist?repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}

Gets all Wishlists for a specific Rep or Customer that have not been associated to an order.

GET api/inventory/Wishlist/MetaInformation?wishlistID={wishlistID}&repDID={repDID}

This API grabs meta information for a shared wishlist. Should a user share a wishlist, we can grab information for that wishlist to retrieve meta information for giving to Facebook, Twitter, or other sites expecting open graph information.

GET api/inventory/Wishlist?wishlistID={wishlistID}

Gets information about a specific Wishlist.

POST api/inventory/Wishlist/Create?subjectTypeID={subjectTypeID}&description={description}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}

Creates a Wishlist for a specific Rep or Customer.

PUT api/inventory/Wishlist/Update?wishlistID={wishlistID}&isDefault={isDefault}

Updates the default value for a particular Wishlist.

DELETE api/inventory/Wishlist/Delete?wishlistID={wishlistID}

Deletes a particular Wishlist.

GET api/inventory/Wishlist/Items?wishlistID={wishlistID}&repDID={repDID}&customerDID={customerDID}&country={country}&langKey={langKey}&localeID={localeID}&cartConfigurationId={cartConfigurationId}

Gets all Wishlist items in a Wishlist for a specific Rep or Customer.

POST api/inventory/Wishlist/Items/Create?wishlistID={wishlistID}&productID={productID}&quantity={quantity}

Add an item to a specific Wishlist.

PUT api/inventory/Wishlist/Items/Update?wishlistID={wishlistID}&productID={productID}&quantity={quantity}

Update the amount of items currently stored in the wishlist.

DELETE api/inventory/Wishlist/Items/Delete?wishlistID={wishlistID}&productID={productID}

Delete a specific item from a particular Wishlist.

GET api/inventory/Wishlist/GetIneligibleItems?wishlistID={wishlistID}&onlineOrderID={onlineOrderID}

Return the InventoryID's that exist in a wishlist but cannot be added to a specific OnlineOrder, usually due to territory restrictions.

POST api/inventory/Wishlist/Share?wishlistID={wishlistID}&repDID={repDID}&shouldCopyToCustomer={shouldCopyToCustomer}&message={message}&partyGUID={partyGUID}

Allows sharing a customer wishlist with a rep and party.

GET api/inventory/Wishlist/Link?wishlistID={wishlistID}

No documentation available.

GET api/inventory/Wishlist/GetByGuid?guid={guid}

No documentation available.


Allows retrieving additional information required by ZipLingo integration.

POST api/integration/ziplingo/rep

Gets additional representative information.

POST api/integration/ziplingo/customer

Gets additional customer information.

POST api/integration/ziplingo/order

Gets additional order information.

POST api/integration/ziplingo/Paymenture/RenewSSOAccessToken?repId={repId}

Generates a single sign on token for the given rep identifier if they are active members in Ziplingo e-wallet. The representative must be assigned to

GET api/integration/ziplingo/rep/preferences/{repDID}

Gets representative preference information

PUT api/integration/ziplingo/rep/preferences/{repDID}

Update representative preference information

GET api/integration/ziplingo

No documentation available.